I have had The Supervillians stuck in my head all day. Ive been going crazy, I even started dancing in the salad section of Trader Joe's. I'm sure I got some weird looks then. Oh well, I don't care. I have to say that today sucked. I'm not in a good mood and Fatter Than Albert isn't helping. I stayed inside all day, and when I left I got a headache, and people were bugging me.
There is a fad going on that I feel I need to discuss. Independent yogurt shops. There is cornucopia of Yogurt shops and it seems like they are on every corner. I am all for the small business owner, but get an original idea. You aren't going to stand out and get more business if you blend in wit all of the others. I especially have a problem with the self-serve yogurt shops. The are un-sanitary, the fruit looks old, yogurt dispensers spill everywhere, and people can put their poopy hands in the candy bins. I have counted up to 12 different shops in my area, and I'm sure there are more around. Okay, I got that out of my system.
My other problem with society are illiterate parents. I absolutely hate the odd spelling of names. Adding extra -e at the end of names to replace a -y drives me insane. Also add an extra -n or -r a the end is equally as bad. I understand the desire to be an original, but how about naming your child something different for zest. You're child is going to have to spell their name to people all of their life when you could have spelt it right. Another thing that bothers me is adding -lyn or -ana to a regular name. For example, the name dannilynn brakes many of my rules. They added the -lyn and an extra -n in the middle and end. So for all of you possible parents, do you want to be illiterate by adding unnecessary letters. You look plain stupid. You are not being different. Thanks for listening.
I'm off to go watch trashy TV.
As Mark Wahlburg would say, "Say hello to your mother for me."
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