Two weeks left until school and I am savoring every moment of summer. Today was quite un-eventful but I need some down time. I feel like this summer has been spent well but I am never quite satisified. This blog for example, I created it to share my life with other people, but it has turned into a burden. I do enjoy writing but i feel like I owe it to my readers to write. As if anyone reads it.
Mighty Mighty Bosstones are on!
I am now tired. Skanking is exhausting.I will catch you up on what has been going on in my life lately.
Monday: Nothing
Tuesday: My dad took my sister and I to Chico to visit his alma matter. The campus was nice, but nothing compare to UCSB. Ahhh UCSB, I will be a member of your wonderous education program one day. We had a little bit of a complication while visiting the town. My future form of transportation (aka my dads car) has been having some problems lately with the coolent system. It runs out of anti-freeze frequently so we have to stop and let it cool down. If we open the door diring this process, the alarm goes off and it is incredibly annoying. So basiclly, it is a recipe for disaster and a pain. This happen to us while at the park in chico. Funnnnnn.
Wednesday: nothing
Thursday: nothing.
Friday: I got my ears pierced! My dad took me to get them pierced during his lunch break and I was extatic. This was the 4th time geting them pierced so I didnt hurt at all. I am now itching to get a second piercing, so that might come in the near future. In the evening, I went shopping and came home with big plans. Big Crash. (Im quoting Less Than Jake)Big plans to re dye my hair. I finally came around to doing it around 9 p.m. I first bleached it with L'oreal Touch on Highlights in Iced Champange with the assistance of my dad's fiance, Holly. Heres a picture of me with the bleach in
Prior to this picture, there was quite a fiasco. I had the bleached strips hanging over my face and I was in a poor ventalated room. I accidently inhaled too much of the bleach and lost my sight temporaralily. I got up and walked to the front room panicing. I fell to the ground and was luckily caught by Holly. Meanwhile, my sister just sat there and didnt pay attention to me while in desparation. What a gal. My sight came back and I felt better. I was defenetly startled to say the least. Im tired of explaining so ill just post pictures of the process.
With the bleach washed out.
With the pink dye in.
Wow, I really seem like a narsisist.
Saturday: I saw a dear friend who I havent seem in eight years. our re-connection was much overdue. We played rockband, call of duty, went to the park, got ice cream, watched movies, looked at old yearbooks and caught up. It was a good saturday. :)
Sunday: I saw some family friends and just drove around. I switched houses, too. My least favorite thing to do.
Today: I slept in later than I have all summer. Until 10 a.m. AH! I went to my grandparents and spent time with them. I loved my outfit today so I thought I would post it.
You cant see them in the picture, but im wearing my slip on vans.
Im going to watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey.
As Mark Wahlburg would say, "say hello to your mother for me."