Monday, December 13, 2010

Adv. Photo

For my Photo class we are to create a website used for displaying our artwork. I figured that I already had a blog, and I would use this to show you what I have been working on recently.
For those of you who don't know me. I am Paige and this my my blog that I created this summer due to excessive free time/ boredness. I am an avid listener to Ska and I love going to concerts. I tend to do a lot of painting when I have nthing else to do. It has almost turned to the point of an obsession. I dont really have a personal statement besides I just do what I feel like, and I think we all should be a little more creative. Thanks for reading.
Here are some of my pieces of 'Art'

Here are four links that you might enjoy somehow.
Here is my facebook:!/profile.php?id=1380143919
Here are some of my favorite songs at the moment

Thanks again.
As Mark Whalburg would say, "Say hello to your mother for me."

Monday, August 9, 2010

Red Vines

Two weeks left until school and I am savoring every moment of summer. Today was quite un-eventful but I need some down time. I feel like this summer has been spent well but I am never quite satisified. This blog for example, I created it to share my life with other people, but it has turned into a burden. I do enjoy writing but i feel like I owe it to my readers to write. As if anyone reads it.
Mighty Mighty Bosstones are on!
I am now tired. Skanking is exhausting.I will catch you up on what has been going on in my life lately.
Monday: Nothing
Tuesday: My dad took my sister and I to Chico to visit his alma matter. The campus was nice, but nothing compare to UCSB. Ahhh UCSB, I will be a member of your wonderous education program one day. We had a little bit of a complication while visiting the town. My future form of transportation (aka my dads car) has been having some problems lately with the coolent system. It runs out of anti-freeze frequently so we have to stop and let it cool down. If we open the door diring this process, the alarm goes off and it is incredibly annoying. So basiclly, it is a recipe for disaster and a pain. This happen to us while at the park in chico. Funnnnnn.
Wednesday: nothing
Thursday: nothing.
Friday: I got my ears pierced! My dad took me to get them pierced during his lunch break and I was extatic. This was the 4th time geting them pierced so I didnt hurt at all. I am now itching to get a second piercing, so that might come in the near future. In the evening, I went shopping and came home with big plans. Big Crash. (Im quoting Less Than Jake)Big plans to re dye my hair. I finally came around to doing it around 9 p.m. I first bleached it with L'oreal Touch on Highlights in Iced Champange with the assistance of my dad's fiance, Holly. Heres a picture of me with the bleach in

Prior to this picture, there was quite a fiasco. I had the bleached strips hanging over my face and I was in a poor ventalated room. I accidently inhaled too much of the bleach and lost my sight temporaralily. I got up and walked to the front room panicing. I fell to the ground and was luckily caught by Holly. Meanwhile, my sister just sat there and didnt pay attention to me while in desparation. What a gal. My sight came back and I felt better. I was defenetly startled to say the least. Im tired of explaining so ill just post pictures of the process.

With the bleach washed out.

With the pink dye in.


Wow, I really seem like a narsisist.
Saturday: I saw a dear friend who I havent seem in eight years. our re-connection was much overdue. We played rockband, call of duty, went to the park, got ice cream, watched movies, looked at old yearbooks and caught up. It was a good saturday. :)
Sunday: I saw some family friends and just drove around. I switched houses, too. My least favorite thing to do.
Today: I slept in later than I have all summer. Until 10 a.m. AH! I went to my grandparents and spent time with them. I loved my outfit today so I thought I would post it.

You cant see them in the picture, but im wearing my slip on vans.
Im going to watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey.
As Mark Wahlburg would say, "say hello to your mother for me."

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Time Has Come

Today is the day. Not just any day. It is The Day. It is the day I purchase my beloved Dr. Martens. I woke up full of excitement, a long awaited feeling. My dad picked me up promptly at 8:30 AM. We drove for a half-hour to my destination. I picked up the shoes and walked away full of joy. I know material things don't supply happiness but it is not the shoes that made me excessively happy. It was the act of becoming myself. I feel that I am evolving into my own. These shoes are a symbol of the true me. This blog is helping me discover all of these thing, making this summer time of transformation.
Enough of self-discovery. I want to show off my shoes. Here are some pictures of the beauties.

So there you have it. I am very proud of my love-ys. Notice that I am wearing my Dan Potthst shirt from the infamous concert. The rest of my day was spent around cherishing my shoes. That Included taking two trips to Target and eating Panda Express. I feel that my blog is empty if I don't post a video of some sorts. Here are some songs that my shoes and I listened to today.

I saw them perform that song and it might have been the best one. Its a great cover.

I bought a Goldfinger single of This Lonely Place at a thrift store, and this was a bonus track. I cant get enough of it.
Before I forget, I would like to mention how fantastic the movie, Reality Bites is. I watched it for the 4th time today,and fell in love with it again. I don't really like Ben Stiller in It but Winona Rider and Ethan Hawke are great. My advice to you is: Watch it.
I'm off to go update my Ipod.
As Mark Wahlburg would say, "say hello to your mother for me."

Friday, July 30, 2010

Far Behind

Why do The Hippos come on at exactly the right time? My current mood translations is their song, Far Behind. Hence the blog title. I forgot to blog yesterday because it was quite eventful. My grandma, sister and I decided to take a spontaneous thrift store trip. We went downtown and first went to the SPCA thrift shop. It was gigantic and had a huge selection of jewelry and retro clothes. My sister and I bought a few things. Here's some pictures of our treasures

My sister got that necklace, and its super adorable.

She also bought that purse. Its precious. She obviously has a much sweeter style than mine.

So I really hate Madonna but I have been looking for an 80's crop top. I thought I would wear this and mock her for how ridiculous she looks, but I guess that was the style.

My sister hates that shirt but I like it for some reason. Its a little small, but that's fine. It screams 70's. Like I care. After the SPCA store we went to Bows and Arrows. It was a little over- priced but I found this crazy dress for $17 that I could not resist. It fits perfectly and is very light and comfortable.

I told you it was crazy. It has parrots all over it.
Today I went to the state fair. I ate greasy food, rode rinky-dink rides and wasted money on impossible games. My dad's fiance's nephew, Jacob, was in town so he tagged along with us. He is four years old and really cute. Here are some pictures of he and I.

We were on the Ferris wheel at the time.
I'm in love with Mustard Plug radio on love Mustard Plug as it is. My current favorite is Yesterday my Mustard Plug. Enjoy.

I'm off to go read. I was going to see the long awaited premiere of Diner For Schmucks, but I cant. Insert sad face here.
As Mark Wahlburg would say, "say hello to your mother for me."

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

20 Excuses

Hmmmm, blog. I am lacking inspiration, so I'm hoping ZOX will provide some. I did not do a thing today so I don't have much to report. Well my hair is still fantastic and I am falling in love with it even more every time I see it. I noticed that in my last post i did not mention the products I used. I bleached my hair with Manic Panic's FLASH LIGHTNING 30 bleach. For the pink I used Manic Panic's Cotton Candy Pink Advanced Formula. I am now looking to re-do my dye. I think I will continue with the cotton candy color, but next time I will add more bleach to have pink all the way down my hair, and not just on the roots. I want some more streaks on the back and underneath also. I'm satisfied with what I have for now though. I took a picture of my hair today because I like how it looked.

So yesterday my sister, grandma and I went to the 99 cents store and had fun discovering all that one needs for 99 cents. We bought four pairs of sunglases. Guess how much it cost? We did some crazy stuff so here is some pictures to describe our adventure.

Later in the day we went to my favorite store, Trader Joe's and came across this beauty.

That's right. Double Rainbow sorbet. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? for all that don't know what I'm talking about, watch this video.

ITS SO INTENSE. You are all now enlightend.
I'm going to go read but I would like to leave you all a song I have been enjoying today.

As Mark Wahlburg would say,"say hello to your mother for me."

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I am back to review my week. I apologize for my speedy exit in my last blog post, but I had to go driving. I'm not going to babble any longer. So here we go.
Wednesday: I had a riveting day full of chores and reading my book Youth In Revolt. I also went to H&M and bought three pairs of rad sunglasses. One black, circular pair, One over-sized green tortoise shell pair and, one pair of orange aviators.
Thursday: More chores and TV and ska listening.
Friday: My cousins Cameron and Devon came over to spend the night. We went swimming at a friends house, and ate a whole box of oreo's. My sister and I had a blast throwing little Devon across the pool from our shoulders. Later, we went home and watched some stupid straight to DVD movie, Its a Boy-Girl Thing. I retreated to my room to finish my book. When the movie was over everyone came into my room, and surprisingly Cameron passed out on my floor. As many girl who have been to sleepovers know, the one who falls asleep first gets tormented. So we went with tradition and tortured Cameron. At first we made Devon put lipstick on Cammy. It escalated into green eyeshadow, then sunglasses, then a hat, then a toothbrush. We captured a few pictures. (I'm sorry Cammy)

I wont embarrass her anymore.
Saturday: My cousins left in the morning and I went to a birthday party in the afternoon. It was a fun party and I gave my friend the new Reel Big Fish CD. I bought a copy myself and I would like to say that it is phenomenal. It is a best of CD, but comes with a bonus skacoutic CD that I am in love with. There is a duet with Aaron Barrett and Leila Khan from Sonic Boom Six that blows my mind. They sing She Has A Girlfriend Now, which just happens to be one of my favorite RBF songs. I can listen to it enough.
I forgot to mention all of the great movies I watched this week. I watched the classic witch movie, The Craft. I loved the style in the movie and was infatuated with the grunge look. My dad has been trying to get me to watch it, but Ive been reluctant. I have to say, Dad you were right. I also watched Donnie Darko and found it very thought provoking and interesting. The ending is fantastic and very powerful. I don't want to give away the story but I would like to advise all who have not seen it to watch it. Now. Do it. Now.
Back to reality.
Sunday: I woke up to a lazy Sunday. (SNL reference)Mr. Pib and Red Vines equal crazy delicious! Then I swept outside and blogged. I was dragged away from my computer to go to crossroads and didn't buy anything. I came up with the daring idea of dying my hair. My dad went for it o we drove to Hot Topic to buy the dye. Then we had to go to Ulta to buy the bleach, but they don't sell any. We drove all the way to Sally Beauty Supply and purchased the bleach. All ready to go, We got in the car and it wouldn't start. Meanwhile, the alarm was sounding to make things worse. It just so happened to be really hot, too. We gave up on the car and decided to be picked up in the parking lot. It was about 4 o'clock at this point so my dreams of having pink hair were crushed. I wouldn't have enough time to dye it before I went to my moms. I didn't dye it and ate some tri-tip instead. I went to my moms and was very happy to be greeted by my dog, Tucker. It was so painful to be away from him. That was my day.
Monday: I slept in, and went to my grandmas in the morning. I assisted her in painting her dining room a sage green, which turned out fantastic. Its is very calming. My grandma and I dropped my sister off at a friends and picked up the sequel to my book. The sequel is titled Revolting Youth: The Further Journals of Nick Twisp. Ive read a good chunk of it already, and it is living up to the previous novel. After picking up the book, we tried out this new cupcake shop, and bought a root beer float cupcake. It was quite delicious. My mom came home shortly after us, so we rushed home to dye my hair with the dye I had purchased the day before. It was scary but well worth it. I had to bleach it first and that had to sit for about 20 minutes. I should have left it longer. Here's my hair after the bleaching excursion

It was tough because some of my hair is much lighter than the rest of it, o we had to base the time off the lightest strip. Then we out in the pink and here's of pictures of the process.

That's me waiting for the dye to soak in. That step took an hour.

That's the finished product. I call it my rainbow sherbet hair. Its pink at the roots then fades to an orange. Threes also a stripe underneath, but its not that noticeable.

That last picture had flash, so the colors are more vibrant.
I better go.
As Mark Wahlburg would say,"say hello to your mother for me."